When Did Trump Talk About Mccain Again
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump's feud with the belatedly Sen. John McCain dates back many years, to long before the real estate magnate launched a campaign for president.
Trump, who occasionally re-airs his grievances with the belatedly Arizona Republican, launched a new line of assail during an address in Ohio Wednesday, suggesting the McCain family never thanked him for "the kind of funeral that he wanted." Trump's role in the services were limited to allowing McCain'southward body to fly on planes used as Air Force 2.
How did Trump'southward feud with McCain brainstorm? The belatedly senator's war tape was ane of Trump'south early on complaints and has been a running theme. Here'southward a wait at the dorsum and forth:
Jan. 11, 2000: Trump, considering a run for president, criticized McCain's war service equally he sized up other potential candidates in an interview on CBS. "He was captured," Trump said, in remarks he would echo years later on. "Does being captured make y'all a hero? I don't know. I'1000 non sure."
June 30, 2015: McCain tried to altitude himself from Trump soon later on the real estate magnate entered the 2016 presidential race by suggesting immigrants were "rapists" and drug smugglers. "I just disagree with his comments near the, quote, Mexicans," the senator told The Arizona Republic in 2015.
July xi, 2015: Trump hammered McCain during a entrada rally in the senator's home land, saying he was "weak" on immigration. "Nosotros have incompetent politicians, not only the president," Trump said. "I mean, right here, in your own state, you take John McCain." The audience booed at the mention of McCain'south name.
July 16, 2015: McCain responded to Trump in a piece in The New Yorker. The senator said Trump "fired upwardly the crazies" and Trump responded by calling McCain a "dummy."
July eighteen, 2015: Most Americans caught their start glimpse of the feud when Trump, speaking in Iowa, questioned whether McCain was "a war hero considering he was captured" in the Vietnam War. Trump, who did non serve in the war, said he liked "people that weren't captured." Many political prognosticators predicted the remarks would bring virtually the undoing of Trump's campaign.
Feb. 9, 2016: Trump won the Republican primary in New Hampshire after coming in second in the Iowa caucuses days before.
Apr 19, 2016: McCain announced he would not attend the Republican National Convention in July, where Trump would have the party'southward nomination.
May five, 2016: McCain was heard telling supporters at a fundraiser that Trump was hurting the GOP make with Arizona's Latino electorate, according to audio of his remarks published by Politico.

May 11, 2016: Trump seemed to backtrack from his original remarks, telling a radio program that: "You know, bluntly, I similar John McCain, and John McCain is a hero."
Aug. ane, 2016: McCain blasted Trump amid a scandal over the nominee'southward remarks nearly U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Republic of iraq in 2004. Trump criticized the fallen solder's mother, who stood silently past her husband's side during the Autonomous National Convention.
Aug. 5, 2016: Trump reversed course and endorsed McCain. "I concur in the highest esteem Sen. John McCain for his service to our country in compatible and in public office," Trump said.
October. 4, 2016: McCain defended Trump over comments the nominee fabricated about soldiers with postal service-traumatic stress disorder. Trump received criticism for proverb some soldiers who render from state of war are "strong and you tin handle it just a lot of people can't handle it." Critics said the comment spread the misconception that veterans with PTSD are weak. McCain said the media distorted Trump's meaning. Trump thanked McCain on Twitter the post-obit day.
Oct. eight, 2016: McCain withdrew support for Trump afterwards a 2005 recording emerged in which Trump discussed kissing women and grabbing them past their genitalia. McCain said the recording made information technology "impossible to go along to offer fifty-fifty conditional support for his candidacy."
Jan. 20, 2017: Trump is inaugurated the 45th president of the United States.
July xix, 2017: McCain'south cancer diagnosis becomes public. Days earlier, before the diagnosis was known but after McCain had undergone surgery to remove a blood clot, Trump said, "Nosotros promise John McCain gets better very soon because we miss him."
July 28, 2017: McCain joins other Republican senators to block the and so-called "skinny repeal" of Obamacare, a last-ditch effort to brand skilful on a Trump entrada promise.
Sept. 23, 2017: Trump blasts McCain for opposing the GOP effort to repeal and supplant Obamacare, saying McCain was snookered by Democrats.
October. xviii, 2017: McCain swipes at Trump during a C-Span interview, noting that during the Vietnam War "nosotros drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level constitute a dr. that would say that they had a bone spur." Trump received several draft deferments during the Vietnam State of war, including one medical deferment for a diagnosed os spur in his heels, the New York Times reported.
May v, 2018: The New York Times reports that McCain's inner circumvolve informed the White House he doesn't want Trump to attend his eventual funeral.
June 20, 2018: During a rally in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump blamed McCain for the collapse of the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. "We had a gentleman way into the morning hours, go thumbs-down," Trump said. "He went thumbs-down." A woman in the crowd reportedly shouted, "He's a war hero," but Trump ignored her and changed topics. When McCain voted confronting the repeal programme in 2017, he gave a thumbs downwardly and said "no," which drew a gasp from members in the Senate bedchamber.
Aug. 25, 2018:McCain dies.
Aug. 27, 2018: Trump faced a public outcry afterward raising U.Southward. flags 2 days after they had been lowered out of respect for McCain. The American Legion and other veterans groups criticized the motion, and the White House quickly lowered the flags once more.
Sept. 1, 2018: Honoring McCain'southward wishes, Trump does not nourish the senator's funeral at the Washington National Cathedral. Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, attend the service. Meghan McCain later says they were not invited past the family unit.

March 17, 2019: Trump tweets, incorrectly, that a court document shows McCain attempted to publicize a dossier alleging misdeeds by Trump earlier the election. McCain provided the certificate to the FBI afterward the election, and in that location is no show he also provided it to the media.
March 18, 2019: On ABC's The View, McCain's daughter, Meghan, slammed Trump's criticism of her father, saying: "He spends his weekend obsessing over great men because he knows it and I know it and all of you know information technology: He will never be a great man."
March 19, 2019: In an Oval Office meeting with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Trump tells reporters he never liked McCain over differences that included Russia and health care. "I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be," he said.
March 20, 2019:Trump expanded his set on, suggesting he did not receive a thank you – presumably from McCain'south family – after Trump "gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted."

Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/21/how-did-donald-trump-john-mccain-feud-begin-obsession/3228906002/
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